MLA/T Competency Guidelines
List of Reference Textbooks and Guidance Documents
Reference Guides for MLPAO
Study Techniques
Important! Use the MLPAO MLA/T competency guidelines to develop your own study notes – Make sure to cover everything in the guidelines. You can use textbooks, the internet (great resource for free material but make sure it is from a Canadian source and reputable – i.e. WHMIS 2015 or Canadian Blood Services – circular of information) or previous school notes and textbooks to help build this.
Reading the chapters in the textbook resources and making notes regarding what you learned, writing in your own words about the material covered
Discussing with members and peers what the textbook resource content means in practical terms
Completing the chapter questions, discussion topics, and assignments at the end of each chapter of the textbook resources will ensure that you have understood the material
Create your own flash cards to help absorb the material – i.e. On each card put a picture (you can draw/colour or take a picture) of a blood tube and then on the back write out all the information about that tube, like the anticoagulant, the tests performed, storage etc.
Ensure you study each section, with a little more time for areas you are having difficulty in.
Study your most difficult area FIRST, not your favorite!
Take breaks – long enough to relieve stress, but short enough to maintain focus.
Make sure to get your sleep! Do not cram all the material into a few nights before the exam. You should start studying NOW. A little each day and as it gets closer a bit more time each day and you will find you are better prepared for the exam.
For some people, reading material over and over again does not work at retaining the information needed. Advice is to write out your own study notes, make pictures when you can and read the material out loud once you have written it.